January 21, 2025
Photo of Martin, our new GoldenDoodle
Our Little GoldenDoodle, Martin

I have wanted a dog for years. Dozens of years. I always knew that one day I would have an animal of my own. I never knew it would be so fun, so rewarding or so much work.

We got our GoldenDoodle in the middle of January of this year. He was born on October 27th of last year and my sister picked him up for us. She kept him and spoiled him for several weeks while we waited for the winter weather to clear out and make travel to Hannibal, Missouri easier for both of us. That’s about half way from where I live and where she lives.

We brought “Our Little Boy” home and immediately fell in love with him. He was everywhere, exploring his new home. It was a house full of new sights, new smells and tons of new stuff to chew on. We’ve lost shoes. We’ve lost food (right out of our hands!). We still love our little Martin.

Liz Elcoate is part of a terrific podcast for Web freelancers and on one of her very first episodes, she recommended freelancers get a dog. It gives you someone to talk to. They get you up and out of doors. They get you up and away from the keyboard when you notice it’s been awfully quiet in the next room for a while.

I’m so glad I took her up on it. We love our little Martin.

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