February 22, 2025

I’ve been using this Web space for a great many things for a long time, now. Mostly I use this domain for e-mail, but I have been using the Web space for proof-of-concept kinds of things.

You know, you read about some new technique or technology and you think you’d like to try that out. But you don’t want to put it on your server at work (you don’t want anyone at work to know how little you know!). So, I purchased this domain years ago and have used through the years to noodle around with HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, PHP and MySQL and more.

You’ve heard the old saying that “Cobbler’s kids go barefoot”, right? Well, that’s me. After a long day of slaving away in the Web trenches, I wasn’t too keen on building out a real showcase site for myself—until now. Now, what started out as another proof-of-concept deal has lit a fire under my desire to learn much more about WordPress. So, here goes….

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