March 31, 2025

When I was a kid, I used to get all excited about Snow Days. No school! Stay at home and read and color and play with the dog and eat a decent hot lunch and watch TV and… MAN! I wonder what the poor folks are doing, today?

These days? My wife still gets kind of a tickle when her home town school shows up on the TV crawl at the bottom of the screen. But I’m largely over it.

Snow days today means I have to get the walk cleaned. And it means Kathie will probably still have to go in to work—even though a huge percentage of her coworkers will be at home with their kids, because the local Public Schools System has called-off classes for the day. I remember when I worked there and we could not get anything done because there weren’t enough people in our various meetings. We mostly wandered from desk to desk asking if people thought they’d close the offices by noon today, or 1pm?

This week, we had two episodes. The first was a well-forecast and much anticipated and hugely underwhelming snow in our little ZIP-code. And last night we actually got snow when nobody thought we really would. I don’t know why I spent so much time learning and re-learning for various careers. I could have become a weather forecaster and when proven wrong just said, “Well, hey…. It’s the weather!”

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